
Posts Tagged ‘muscles’

We lost

In Musings, Rants and Explanations on May 21, 2009 at 9:49 pm

Hockey was a blast. We lost 5-3 tonight. I scored a goal, but played ok. It’s funny. My longs were there, but the fast twitch muscles in the leg just would not respond. I think that my legs almost stopped working 5 times tonight.

It’s amazing the difference between skating and running. You can run a good clip for 50 minutes in the morning, but when you play hockey any thing longer than 50 seconds is just stupid. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it and felt like I could play.

I also ended up playing against a great friend from high school, so now I have a tuesday night hockey game to play with some of those guys too. Pretty sweet night. I’m going to sleep well. No running tomorrow, but a real quick 5k on Saturday morning.